
Postgraduate Programmes

MPhil-PhD in Government and Public Administration

This is a research-type programme leading to the degree of MPhil or PhD in Government and Public Administration. Students admitted to the MPhil stream and the PhD stream will take the same courses, but with higher requirements for PhD students. MPhil students with outstanding results may apply for transferral to the PhD stream, whereas PhD students performing unsatisfactorily will be transferred to the MPhil stream. The programme thus provides flexibility for conversion between the two streams. Applicants without a master’s degree can apply for the PhD stream directly.

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MSSc in Global Political Economy

The MSSc programme in Global Political Economy (MGPE) is an interdisciplinary field of study focusing on “global” as the keyword of our times. The intensive one-year full-time or two-year part-time programme which broadens students’ horizon on the wide-ranging and fast-changing connections between global changes and local developments in politics, economics and beyond.

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MSSc in Government and Politics (Greater China)

Launched in 2012, GPGC aims to train creative and methodologically rigorous analysts of government and politics in Greater China. This taught master’s programme offers advanced training on major issues in Greater China areas, such as political institutions, public administration, foreign policies & international relations, democracy & rule of law, environmental politics, state-society relations, and political communications. The GPGC programme prepares students for leading roles in public service, third sector, media, education, business management, etc.

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MSSc in Public Policy

MPUP is a leading professional programme offering an interdisciplinary approach in public policy education.

It aims to provide the best education to leaders and professionals of both the private and public sectors in the policy arena by equipping them with the state-of-the-art knowledge, ideas, and strategies to enable them to cope with global and local policy changes effectively for their career advancement.

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